Bordeaux, Port of the moon

Bordeaux, Port of the Moon Bordeaux, Port of the Moon

Bordeaux, Port of the Moon - Visit time : 3 days.

It is impossible to talk about Bordeaux without mentioning the Garonne River and the port that welcomes it. For more than 2000 years their history has been linked, Bordeaux owing everything to the river that crosses the city. The Garonne brought the city prosperity and wealth, exchange and mixed cultures, from the Romans to the English, from Antiquity to the Enlightenment. Today, Bordeaux and the Port of the Moon reflect its intimate history with the river. Abandoned for some time, the city is once again open to the Garonne, in tribute. The city now proudly displays its monumental 18th century architecture and has made improvements on the waterfront in recent years. Bordeaux and its remarkable architectural harmony are like a play where eras collide without distorting the story of its history. The legacy of this ancient story is revealed through the streets and squares that its visitors discover on foot, looking up to admire the many artistic details of the façades and monuments. At night the city gleams with thousands of lights – a magnificent spectacle!


Bordeaux, Patrimoine Mondial Office de Tourisme de Bordeaux